Computer research and forecast of quasiperiodic series. > Computer research and forecast of quasiperiodic series. »" href="" />

Computer research and forecast of quasiperiodic series.

Andruсkin A.I., V.S.Marchenko.

In this work, we review the methods and algorithms of the study, obtain characteristics and forecast quasiperiodic time sequences. A software system for studying, determining the properties and prognosis of quasiperiodic series (CSIQS) is constructed. Wolfram Mathematica is the basis for building CSIQS. The main attention is paid to the software implementation of such models and methods of investigation of quasiperiodic series, such as hidden Markov chains and wavelet transformations. The well-known fact that the sum of periodic functions may not be a periodic function is considered. Examples of calculations and the basic structure of CSIQS are presented.

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