Decision making in systems with the subjective form of understanding of interests and ideas about a situation of choice.
Vinogradov G.P., Vinogradova N.G.
Due to the fact that the effectiveness of reflexive control the behavior of people in organizational and technological systems especially in the conditions of uncertainty and risk depends on the views of the governing body about how people identify and perceive objective evidence of factual situations, build assessments, produce and agree on forms of behavior. Goal: to develop a conceptual framework of decision-making that takes into account the processes of perception, awareness and understanding of the properties of choice situations to be able to: explain the decision-making entity in specific situations; prediction decision possible reactions of another subject in different situations; the creation of a managed side the desirable image of the situation of choice. Research methods: General methodology and methods of system analysis, analytical modeling, the work also uses methods theories: sets of active systems, decision making, artificial intelligence, fuzzy systems and fuzzy logic, game theory. Results: the conceptual diagram of the simulation of the adoption of the subjectively rational decisions designed to understand the specificity of management evolution of innovation systems in which of particular importance is the harmonious interaction of the "subject-project environment. In this context, an important problem of the Assembly of constituent entities identifying themselves with a system where their activities and regulating their activity, given its impact on the results of this system. It is determined that motivation of activity of the subject connected with the interests and with the desire to implement them. For a formal description of the interests of the subject introduced two indicators: the specific value of a purposeful state situation, the result and the specific value of a purposeful state situation. It is proposed to divide the decision process into stages: 1) formation of ideas about the properties of choice situations; 2) the actual decision-making about mode of action; 3) build an algorithm (plan) implement the solution; 4) implementation; 5) evaluation of results. From a formal point of view, are considered the first two stages. The quality of the decision proposed to be assessed against the specific value of a purposeful state situation according to the result, the quality of formation of representations about a situation of choice – the criterion of loss of value. It is shown that when deciding on the mode of action of the subject to suit their interests uses three sets of alternatives: multiple ways of action, lots of view options a lot of strategies of identification. The choice of an alternative from the set is your personal criterion. It is proposed to associate with a virtual operating party that has within its competence the freedom of choice. The interests of the subject are dominant for the selected parties, and he speaks to them in the form of control center. It is shown that in this case decisions should be considered as a corporate game with not opposite interests. Endogenous aim of the subject of the decision in this case is this distribution of effort between stages, to achieve the maximum satisfaction from the desired state. Since the interests of all players are interdependent, then its solution is possible on many of the agreed compromise. Keywords: decision making, choice modeling, game theory, coordination of ideas, active systems, identification.