Computer simulation of process of an extract of a detail of the "body" type from flat workpiece.»" href="" />

Computer simulation of process of an extract of a detail of the "body" type from flat workpiece.

Rumyantsev V.V., Tsvetkova E.V.

The choice of a program complex for computer simulation in three-dimensional statement of processes of an extract of a detail of the "body" type from flat workpiece is reasonable in the article. The assumptions adopted in the simulation are presented, the simulating technique is described with allowance for the real mechanical properties of aluminum and lead. Mechanism of forming of workpieces, the behavior of change of thickness of a edge of a body are investigated, the forces acting on a cupping punch and a matrix are defined, components of the stress-strain state of workpiece are investigated, the choice of a construction of the operating tool - a matrix with a conical working section - is reasonable.Keywords: Computer simulation, extract, forming, stress-strain state.

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