Analysis of UDP-traffic.
Belkov D.V., Edemskay E.N.
In this work for realization delay process and jitter process of UDP-packets by volume of a 64 byte and 512 byte the analysis of closeness of distributing, autocorrelation functions and power spectrums are executed. The values of Hurst H index are found. Next results are got. The studied time series do not submit to normal distribution, series do not possess exponentially falling ACF, incident to the casual series. For the delay process of packets by volume of a 64 byte the condition, that H in the interval (0.5,1) is executed. For packages of 512 bytes is performed the last condition. For jitter process at the transmission of packets by volume of a 64 byte and 512 byte the Hurst indexes are near to the value 0,5 and the series are stochastic.Keywords: UDP-packets, traffic, closeness of distributing, autocorrelation function, power spectrum, the Hurst index.