The experimental studies of the jpwl tools ability to correct burst errors in a noisy channel when transmitting video in a jpeg 2000 format.

Skorokhod S. V., Kasyanov O. A.

The discussion is made on the issue of transmitting video in a JPEG 2000 format using the JPWL tools (Wireless JPEG 2000) for noise-immunity coding through a noisy channel under conditions of burst errors occurrence. It is set out to conduct an experimental study on the ability of JPWL tools to correct burst errors. The methodology of the study consists in modeling a transmission of the JPWL protected video composed of 1,000 frames of one and the same image with a size of 1,024x768 pixels. The variable parameters of the study are as follows: the Reed-Solomon codes applied for protection, the number of image tiles, and the RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) packet loss ratio. A standard variant of protection and a combination of the standard variant with an interleaving algorithm are considered. The final results of the experiment are the average values of the percentage of fully and partially restored tiles of the number of tiles in a code stream. Asoftwaresystemdevelopedfortheconductionofstudyisdescribed,which includes the JPWL encoder and decoder, the tools for partitioning code streams into RTP packets, the tools for packet loss modeling, and the tools for frame assembly from the RTP packets. A macro flowchart of the JPWL encoder and decoder functioning is described. A method for the code stream interleaving is suggested, which is intended for increasing its resistance to burst errors. During the study process, the two hypotheses were put forward, which were confirmed by the experimental results obtained. The first hypothesis is that the standard JPWL tools are not able to correct burst errors. The second hypothesis is that the standard JPWL tools used in conjunction with the interleaving algorithm can recover burst errors. A side effect of the study is the conclusion on a slight improvement of the recoverability of tiles with the increasing number of tiles in a code stream. Keywords: JPEG 2000, JPWL, burst errors, noise-immunity coding.

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