Diagnosis of digital circuits: the stages of development and problems

Andruckin A.I.

The article presents the main stages of development and problems of the diagnosis test of digital circuits.The basic model in the diagnosis of bipolar circuits is considered.Its properties are described in the diagnosis of advanced MOS VLSI. The main problems of the testing MOS structures are considered. A review of studies in the design testability schemes presented.The importance of a correct evaluation of the oscillation in the simulation of faulty devices emphasized. The simulation results on the switch-level of MOSFET structures are also presented.The main directions of construction of a new generation of transistors are considered. To optimize fault tolerance, it is important to estimate actual failure rate for each possible failure and types of failures( some are more probable than others or some are transient, others permanent).Borders and possibilities of various approaches of verification of VLSI are defined Keywords: test, diagnostics, CMOS, testability, IDDQ.

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